Sunday, 20 October 2013

Magazine Terminology

1/Masthead: The name and logo of the magazine

2/The Lead: The introduction to a text, usually bold or in capitals to catch the eye

3/Body Copy: the main article of text (usually grammatically correct) (Usually in Columns)

4/Serif Font: Font which has small bars (serifs) at the end of each letter (Like This Text)

5/Sans Serif Font: Font which does not have serifs present (Like This Text)

6/Drop Capitals: A significantly larger letter at the start of a text  (Like This)

7/Cross Head: small sub-heading to divide two bodies of text (Usually a quote from the text)

8/White Space: Any blank parts of the page

9/Mode Of Address: How the magazine talks to the audience

10/Sell Lines: Like a motto for the magazine (Kerrang- Life Is Loud)

11/Banners: Text made to stand out due to the contrasting background colour (Like This)

12/House Style: the overall, trademark like layout of the magazine, almost like the identity of the mag

13/Boarders: The gaps at the ends of pages

14;Gutters: Where the two pages meet in the middle and there is no text

15/Leading: The gaps between the lines of text in the mag

16/Kerning: The space between letters in the mag

17/Strapline: A secondary headline just below the main headline

18/Bylines: Credits to the people who produced each article including photo credits and data sources

19/Anchorage: When text and images go hand in hand and are relevant to eachother, supporting eachother

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